Every member of our congregation male or female is welcome to help plan and follow through with events. We always encourage suggestions and have fun at our meetings. It is their option to attend the meetings and participate in any planned events.
Guild Events / Fundraisers:
- Rummage sales
- Sub sales
- Chocolate sales
- Mother/Daughter Dinner
- Soup sales
From September through May we make our homemade soups, stocking the freezer in the kitchen to sell following worship services and during our rummage sales.
Miscellaneous events to help raise money that we can then donate to help support the General Fund of the church.
The Guild meets in the Fellowship Hall, the first Tuesday of the month, at 3:00pm, September through May. In the month of June, we choose a place where we can enjoy a meal together, instead of a regular meeting. The meetings are very informal and some months they have a guest speaker (member or outsider) to either teach or inform them of a general subject. Please feel free to come to one or all of our meetings; we would love to have you!