What is the lay reader ministry?
Definition – lay reader: A layperson in the church who volunteers to participate in the worship service by reading the scripture, praying and other parts of the liturgy.
Definition – layperson: members of a religious community/congregation that do not have the responsibilities of ordained clergy.
Definition – liturgy: a prescribed form or set of forms for public religious worship (i.e. call to worship, confession, scripture(s), prayer, and/or offertory).
Therefore, the lay reader ministry is a group of congregation members who volunteer their time and talent to participate in Sunday’s worship by reading parts of the liturgy. This group does not meet formally. There are sign-up sheets outside of the Sanctuary for interested people to participate. The weekly bulletin for the Sunday you signed up for will be e-mailed to you on Friday for your preparations. The lay readers are responsible to find a substitute if there is a conflict in their schedules; phone numbers are provided on the lay reader rotation list.